Thursday, April 3, 2014

Highs and lows

With this illness there are so many highs and lows that you feel each day that it can be SO exhausting!!  Just the caring for Kera alone right now is a full time job.  She currently has severe weakness on the left side of her body, which affects her movement of her left leg, arm and facial muscles.  She has been doing physical therapy and occupational therapy for about a month now to help her strengthen her muscles that aren't being used and to help to train her how to walk better, and  get more function in her left arm and hand.  Her muscle tone is very low and has what they call spastisity(sp?) in her muscles so they automatically want to be tight and fingers curled, arm bent, knee locked, etc.
She enjoys using the adaptive tricycle during physical therapy the most.  I want to get one for her to use at home, especially once the weather gets nicer when we can ride outside.  But guess how much one of those will cost retail?  About $3500!!  I still have to look into it some more and see if our insurance will cover something like that.  If anyone knows about these bikes and wants to give me some direction here that would be wonderful. ;) We are also going to have an assessment done on Monday for speech therapy to see if we can get some help with her learning to talk more clearly and to have an easier time eating. Right now it's very difficult to understand much of what she is saying, and I'm constantly trying to decipher what she is trying to tell me.  I've never been good at reading lips, and it's frustrating to both Kera and I when she can't tell me what she is saying and I can't understand.  She's also having more trouble eating and swallowing because her mouth muscles are weak, and she can only open her mouth so far, so of course brushing her teeth is difficult too.
One of the first things they did at physical therapy and OT was to order an ankle and hand brace for her to wear.  The ankle brace, DAFO, she wears all day, and it does help her foot and ankle stay in position and if she isn't wearing it her toes will curl up and her ankle will turn her foot in.  So I'm grateful for the brace which does help some.  The hand brace she wears all day and keeps her hand stay more open.  She wears something under the hand brace that keeps her fingers open as well.  She has been walking better with the brace, but her balance seems to be worsening, so while her ankle is supported, she needs me to hold onto her while she walks because she will easily lose her balance and fall.  This is so hard to watch.  I hate the worsening symptoms and she hates being so dependent on others to do simple tasks like getting dressed, walking to the bathroom, and getting up and down stairs, etc.  These are all so difficult.  Of course I have three other kids, so I try to remind her to be patient with me, but she often gets upset because she will be sitting on the floor because she has lost her balance and fallen, and sometimes if I'm not right there by her I don't hear her calling me because she has a hard time yelling ,or talking loud.  Can you imagine it??  It's not pretty.  I wish more than anything that she didn't have to go through all of this, but I also know that it is teaching me patience, which has never been a strength of mine.  I am constantly praying that I can get through each day without losing my mind!!!  My boys are usually pretty good about waiting until I help Kera to help them with things they need.  Except of course Ryder who is still little.  Not so little though, he turns 3 this month on the 22nd!!
Like I said in my last post, Jacob, who will be 12 in May, struggles with feeling invisible, and often he feels like Kera is getting all of the attention, whether it's by getting to go to lunch with me, (as we are often traveling back and forth to therapy or to a new lady in Salt Lake City that practices natural medicines that I am taking her to see once a week now. More on that in a minute) getting a home visit from our principal or her teachers at school, getting a package or cards in the mail, or just overall being asked how Kera is doing.  He said nobody ever asks him how he is doing.  I really have been trying to make an effort to spend more time with him, but my time is often at a premium and I'm physically wiped out by the end of the day. I have been reading the Michael Vey series with him though, which we both enjoy.  If anyone wants to do an act of kindness, a card or letter or just extra attention paid to him or Michael would go a long way!
There are two new things that we are trying that I feel will be very helpful, and which have given us all much needed renewal of hope.  One is a book and CD that my mother in law was given from a friend of her aunt and uncle in Texas who went through stage 4 cancer and beat it by doing guided imagery.  He wrote a book for children that is a story of a little boy and girl who play in the woods and the boy gets bit by a poisonous tree and gets sick. There are alpha waves that are embedded in the book and in the CD, and she is supposed to listen to the CD while she is sleeping and the left brain works to heal itself.  I'm also visiting the natural medicine woman who has studied eastern Chinese medicines and has had a lot of success with helping people who have cancer or strokes, or any serious sicknesses.  At this point I will try anything that is not harmful or too invasive.  Both of these things I have felt more confident about and more hopeful about than radiation, which they said would work temporarily and the tumor would grow again, which it did.  Or chemo, which they said from the start hasn't shown to be effective at all in shrinking this kind of tumor.   I've learned through this whole process that doctors do not know everything.  They are doing the best they can, but they do not have all the answers, and really they have no answers with this type of tumor.  I know that God has put plants and herbs here on the Earth for our benefit and to help heal these kinds of sicknesses.  I pray that Kera can get some relief from her symptoms and that we can all feel peaceful and be given comfort during this journey.


  1. Praying for answers, solutions, peace and comfort too.
    Love y'all,

  2. Oh, Stace. I just bawled reading this. I can only imagine how you are feeling...patience being tried, feeling stretched so thin, physically exhausted, feeling heartache watching your sweet girl suffer, trying to juggle the needs of all of your kids. The only thought I had was that your Heavenly Father loves you. I know you know that, but sometimes it helps to be reminded. He knows you and your struggles, and he loves you. Christ knows EXACTLY how you feel. But even with that knowledge, this is so hard. I hope your bucket will be refilled this weekend during conference. We love you guys and send prayers, peace and hope your way. Good luck with the different doctors... So happy th here are people around too offer alternate routes for you to try.

    1. Dear Staci, you are amazing. I know the Lord is giving you the strength to cope every day. I am sorry we are not there to help you. I pray that Our Lord will continue to help you and the family through this time. Praying for you all. Aunt Becky

  3. Thanks for sharing, Staci. How incredibly difficult this is!!! We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers! Also I was going to tell you that our Matthew has an adaptive tricycle that he got (donated) from the Shriners Hospital bike program. It is understood that we will donate it back to Shriners when we are done with it. If Kera could get into Shriners PT (there must be a physician referral to do anything at Shriners since they only see certain patient populations), they would get her a bike. That could be a possibility. Best wishes to you giys, hang in there!

  4. Staci, I finally got on your blog and read a few entries. I've heard bits and pieces of your journey, through other friends in the ward, and have prayed for you and your family. But I am so moved by you sharing your ups and downs on this blog! I hope it helps you feel connected, and not alone in this trial. It is a blessing to all who read it, I'm sure. It has been for me tonight! Tell Jacob hi! And ask him if he has any advice for Andrew as he gets ready to start eleven yr old scouts. I'm still one of the wolf den leaders(I got put in after Dave). Would Michael be one of my boys yet? If so, tell him I hope he enjoys scouts! Love you Staci! Keep hanging on! Love you too Kera! The Lord has big plans for you, or he wouldn't be giving you such an opportunity to grow and help others grow! Keep smiling.

  5. We have never met but my daughter Brielle is in Kera's class at school. A few weeks ago Brielle came to me and said that a girl in her class was sick and that she wanted to include her in our family prayers. We agreed and have been praying for Kera for awhile now. I happened to stumble upon this blog from Kera's crusaders fliers. I could not believe that this was the same little girl we had been praying for all this time. Our family is all to familiar with brain tumors, my son was diagnosed with one at 20 months old. I have pretty much followed every child I can find with any type of brain tumor since. Please know that even people you are unaware of are praying for comfort and strength for your family.

  6. I think about you and what your family, especially Kera, are going through. I think about you guys often and check your blog probably every day. We are praying for you to have the strength you need to get through this. It is so hard to see a child is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. I'm so sorry.

  7. God bless you Staci. My heart aches for you, thinking about how hard this is, and how awful it must be to have to watch your daughter go through this trial. I wish there was more I could do for you, but I will keep the prayers coming! I will have Evan write Jacob a letter. He misses Jacob and is very excited to see him when we move back in June (you can tell Jacob that)! Peace be with you and your sweet family.

  8. Thank you everyone for your comments. Aubrey I always love hearing your comments on each post and your encouragement and prayers sustain me. Angelique, I know we have not met but I also think of your family often and I know you know how hard this journey is. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts on our behalf. Kristin, I would love to talk to you more about your family's journey. I feel like there are always tender mercies and I write this blog because it helps me but I love that it may be able help others in some way. Thanks Audrey, Ashley and aunt Becky as well. And Em, I love you too and I am thinking about starting to print #kerascrusaders tshirts and I may need your help, I'll pm you!

  9. Staci & Kera
    I think of you often and I am sad to hear of the struggles that you are going through as this illness has so many ups and downs. Cancer is such a terrible disease - oh how I pray that there will be a cure soon. I am grateful for your strength as you deal with this trial. You are an amazing mother and daughter and I am grateful to call you my friends. I know that our Father in Heaven is mindful of you and he is sending tender mercies along the way to give you the strength to endure this trial. My prayers and love are with you always. Much Love, Shauna

  10. Dear Staci,
    I'm sorry to hear that Kera is struggling. It is the hardest thing in the world to watch your kiddo struggle and not be able to instantly make them all better.
    When Jessica was taking up all of my time, my other two expressed similar feelings as your Jacob. There is no easy solution. I'm glad that you are taking him to therapy. Attending MAW Family Events really helped my other kiddos see that they weren't the only ones with a medically fragile sibling. I've also had friends who have joined Angle Hands and have been able to have outings once a month for the entire family.
    In the end, I did miss out on a lot with my other kids, but I have no regrets.I did the absolute best that I could with the situation that we were given. I had lots of opportunities to talk with them about how it would feel if they were the one with the medical challenges. I also had lots of opportunities to let them know that if they were the one that was unable to walk or talk, that I would be doing the same things for them as I was for their sister.
    Is there something that Jacob and Kera love doing together? A favorite show or book that they could watch or listen to, just the two of them? Learning to serve can be hard, especially when when someone is twelve. Learning to serve can be fun, especially when someone is twelve. :)
    I pray that you, Kera, your husband and boys will all have better days ahead.
    Love, Kimberly
